Wednesday 11 February 2015

SEO Interview Questions and Answers

SEO Interview Questions and Answers for all the freshers and experienced candidate. Read them and cracks the interview with very confidentially.
SEO Interview Questions and Answers
Q1- What is SEO?
Ans- SEO is a Search Engine Optimization. It is used to changing the rank of a website in the search results of a search engine.

Q2- How many types of SEO?
Ans- There are two types of SEO.
A) On Page Optimization
B) Off Page Optimization

Q3- What is On-page optimization?
Ans- In On Page Optimization, We have to make changes on Meta Tagging, Keyword Selection, Fresh Content, broken link checker, Site Structure, Google Webmaster Tool, Google Analysis etc.

Q4- What is Off Page Optimization?
Ans- In off page, We have adding our website links to another popular websites, so that more traffic will come on your website. Directory Submission, Article Submission, Image Sharing, Video Sharing,  Blog Posting, Business Listing etc are the few example of off page Optimization.

Q5- What is a keyword?
Ans- keyword is a particular term that is used for searching something on search engine like-google, bing, yahoo in order to get outcomes related.

Q6- What is google Sandbox?
Ans- Google sandbox is an imaginary area where less authoritative and new sites taking place while they are popular and authorized on the web.

Q7- What do you mean by PR or Page Rank?
Ans- For every web page, Google will give a rank, which is called as PR (Page Rank). Normally page rank ranges from 0 to 10. Google Web Search Engine algorithm is responsible for calculating the page. Page Rank is based on backlinks.

Q8- What is a Backlink?
Ans- Backlinks are the incoming links from another website to your website.

Q9- What Is Alexa?
Ans- Alexa is nothing but the data that shows the number of traffic at your site.
Q10- What is an out bound Link?
Ans- An oubound link is a link that going from your own website to another website or webpage. It is also called outgoing link.

Q11- What is Cross Linking?
Ans- Cross linking is used to refer the process of linking one site to another site and provide a way to allow the accessing to it.

Q12- What is Sitemap? 
Ans- Sitemap is a place where one can find all internal links of a website or blog. Basically we submit xml sitemap to Google webmaster tools, So that all links should be crawled by Search Engines.

Q13- What is Anchor Text?
Ans- Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is often blue and underlined, Like- SEO Interview Questions and Answers. It is also known as link text or link title. This is used to increase your website ranking by receiving the incoming links after clicking the contained keyword.
Q14- Who is Matt cutts?
Ans- Matt cutt is the head of Google web spam team.
Q15- Which  Important factors makes ON Page Optimization better?
Ans- Keyword, Meta tag, Title tag, Images, Sitemap, Internal linking and Bread crumb are the important factors that makes ON Page Optimization better.
Q16- Which  Important factors makes Off Page Optimization better?
Ans- There are some important factors that makes Off Page Optimization better like- Directory Submission , Artical Submission, Blog Writing/posting/creation, Classified Submission, Social  Media, Press Release etc.

Q17- What Seo tools do you use ?
Ans- Google analytic, Google webmaster tools, Alexa, keyword research, open site explorer.

Q18- What is webmaster tools ?
Ans- Webmaster tools is free service offer by google that helps you maintain your site's presence in Google Search results. We can also check all the details like how many pages are indexing by google, daily user, search query, stats, XML sitemap etc.

Q19- What is Bookmarking Sites?
Ans- Bookmarking sites helps you to getting instant traffic on your site by his powerful social media factor.You can easily bookmarks this site on your favorites list and when it requires you can click on this and you will get this.

Q20- Top 6 Bookmarking sites name?
Ans- Top Bookmarking Sites.
  1. Twitter
  2. Pinterest
  3. reddit
  4. stumble upon
  5. Digg
  6. Delicious
Q21. What are Meta Tag?
Ans- Top four meta tags that are used for SEO are following.
  1.  Meta Title
  2.  Meta Keywords
  3. Meta Description
  4. Robot tags
Q22- What is keyword density?
Ans- Keyword density make your content stand out in crowd.
        Here is important formula of keyword density

                                                     Total No of Keyword             *100
                                                  Total No of Words in your Article

Q23- What is Google Anayltics?
Ans- Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that tell us about website activity and performance. It tell us website traffic source.

Q24-  What is Google Sandbox ?
Google sandbox is an imaginary area where less authoritative and new sites taking place while they are popular and authorized on the web. In other words, it checks the standard of the website.
Q25-  How many SEO techniques do you know?
Ans-There are 3 types of techniques in SEO.
  1. Black hat seo
  2. White hat seo
  3. Gray hat seo
Q26- What is White Hat Seo and how many techniques used in it?
Ans- In White Hat Seo, follow all rules of google in seo which is called White Hat Seo. We use fresh and good content for site, Never use any kind of duplicate contents in it.
White Hat Techniques- Quality contents, Titles and Meta data, Effective keyword and Keyword research  use, Quality inbound links
Q27- What is Black Hat Seo and how many techniques used in it?        
Ans- Not follow the google rules and more chance to spamming your sites in black hat seo. Black Hat seo is used for duplicate issues like photo, video, content, keyword stuffing, shidden links, doorway pages etc. These are not good for our website because when Google starts its crawling it considered the site is full of duplicate issues and he penalized the site minimum +30 Google page ranking. Black Hat Seo Techniques- hidden link, keyword stuffing, doorway pages, incorrect keyword , link farming, mirror side.
Q28- What is Gray Hat SEO?
Ans- Gray hat seo is combination of Black hat and White hat seo. In Gray Hat seo your sites are less chances to spamming. It includes both activities to promote a website or blog. It includes high keyword density, buying links, duplicate content, reciprocal link exchange etc.

Q29- What is Meta Title?
Ans- Meta Title should be located within head section. It should tell some useful information about that page. Meta title contain should be less then 60 characters. If your title characters are more than 60, then google will skip the remaining characters. If the  web page does't have contain title tag, then Google would select the H1 tag as title or it will provide the title by its own.

Q30.What is Meta Description?
Ans- A description tag should describe about the webpage. It should be contain 150 – 160 characters. Meaning-less description would affect your webpage. If you provide empty or meaningless description, Google would take the description from the content available in that page.

Q31- What are Meta Keywords?
Meta keywords should be contain less than 250 characters. Its are very important tag for Search engine. Its an easy way to tell our important keywords to search engine.

Q32- What is the difference between Crawling and Indexing?
Ans- Crawling- When the Search Engines come to your site and read the data, this process is called Crawling.
Indexing- Whenever Search Engines come to your site, which pages are they crawl by search engine, they take a copy of that page with them and save it on their server. It is called Indexing.

Q33- What is the difference between SEO and SEM?
Ans- SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization while SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. SEO provides organic traffic to a website with the help of search engines while SEM involves the use of Google adwords and other paid channels of advertising.

Q34- Difference between Sitemap and robot.txt?
Ans- Sitemap- is a collection of pages in a web site accessible to crawlers or users.
Robot- It contains information about which pages to crawl and what to index.


Unknown said...

Thanxx for sharinng this awesome information. It was very helpful for my sites.

Unknown said...

I like this post very much . Thanks for sharing such a great post.

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