Wednesday 30 September 2015

How Search Engine Works?

Q) - What is SEO?
Ans - SEO is a technique which helps search engines to find your website on Internet and rank it in the millions of other sites. SEO helps you get lots of traffic on your website from search engines.

Q) - What are Search Engines?
Ans - Search Engines are those which crawl/Index your website. If you have a new website and your website is not shown on Google. It mean your website is not index, crawl by search engines. Search Engines are Google, yahoo, Bing, etc.
How Search Engine Works?
Q) - How Search Engines Work?
Ans - Here is the best step how search engines work proper.

Crawling:- The most popular crawler software is called "Googlebot". Crawler go from one link to another link for crawling any website.

Indexing:- In Indexing, search engines index your website and saved the information and it appear in the search engine optimization.

Ranking:- The last step is ranking of keywords. When you type anything on Google, then there are lots of links are displaying on search engines. The top sites are the best matches of your search query keyword on search engines.

For Example:- If you are searching for “SEO Training In Mohali” then the searches are display on the top, are the best matches of your keyword.

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